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Jamie Carragher rates Pep Guardiola as the best manager in Premier League history

Jamie Carragher rates Pep Guardiola as the best manager in Premier League history

Jamie Carragher thinks that Pep Guardiola is the best manager in Premier League history.

The Sky Sports pundit argues that the Spaniard's consistent success at Manchester City places him above legendary former Manchester United coach Sir Alex Ferguson.

Speaking on the Stick to Football podcast, Carragher said: "I'd put Pep Guardiola top of Premier League (history). Sir Alex Ferguson, what he did at Aberdeen, maybe puts him above Pep, but in terms of the Premier League, Guardiola has won six in seven (titles), and he's only been here for eight years. Ferguson would have only won his first one after being there for seven years."

Carragher also suggested that he would rank Liverpool's former boss Jurgen Klopp ahead of Arsenal icon Arsene Wenger as a result of the German's success in the Champions League and the high points totals his Reds teams posted despite falling short to Manchester City domestically.

The former Reds defender said: "I would put him (Jurgen Klopp) above Wenger, with the only reason being the Champions League. Arsenal didn't quite crack that did they, but Klopp got to three finals, won it once, and I just think coming up against City and the points totals as well.

"I'd go, Pep, Ferguson, Jose (Mourinho) because he came back and won the league with Chelsea, then Klopp next."

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