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Oleksandr Usyk's regular family calls

Oleksandr Usyk's regular family calls

Oleksandr Usyk has called his family “every 20 minutes” while preparing for his fight with Tyson Fury.

The Ukrainian fighter missed the birth of his daughter because he was training for the bout, which was originally scheduled to take place in February, but this time round, he’s managed to take a bit of time to be with his loved ones and when he’s back in camp, he makes regular video calls.

He told Boxing News magazine: “In the week when I was at home, I was just training and I was at home with my baby and my wife.

“I have little time to do it, but I’m happy and my wife is too.

“Most of the time I was home I would do my work but then I’d go home and spend a lot of time with my family.

“I’ve been FaceTiming them back home, every 20 minutes I call my wife to see my kids swimming and things like that.

“Both of my sons are here with me in Spain now so everything is OK.

“My preparation has been good, my condition is good and with my team, everything is OK.”

Oleksandr regrets not being there for his wife’s labour.

He said: “I was not with my wife when she gave birth, even though I should have been there, in the corridors.

“I should have been in the corridor, where I could hear my new baby daughter crying.”

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